A Look Back at the Boyne Midsummer Festival in Drogheda

Here at Scotch Hall Shopping Centre, we offered a jam-packed action-packed weekend, which included a funfair, petting zoo, festival markets, children’s entertainment performances, Brickx clubs, live music, Vikings, Star Wars characters, and so much more!
The weekend kicked off with a funfair and live buskers throughout the town and Scotch Hall, despite the rain.
Saturday and Sunday both saw an increase in sunshine and footfall, with huge crowds of families enjoying the activities.
We are pleased to announce that the Boyne Midsummer Festival was truly an enjoyable weekend of festivities throughout the town.
This festival was brought to you by Scotch Hall, Drogheda Festivals, Droichead Arts Centre, Love Drogheda BID, Drogheda Port, and Louth County Council.